Kazuma Kubota / A Sense Of Loss (CD)
¥1,000 税込
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Kazuma Kubota氏の廃番となっている作品がdotsmarkよりリマスタリングされCDリリース。
“さらに昇華したカットアップノイズの復興を告げる基本資料。クボタの鋭く研ぎ澄まされた作品はどれも、多くのアーティストがその生涯をかけても生み出せないほどのアクションやアイデアに満ちている。" - William Hutson (member of clipping.)
Post Harsh Noiseの旗手Kazuma Kubotaの現在廃盤となっている代表作品をCD化し2タイトル同時リリース!
本再発にあたってはリマスタリングエンジニアにJames Plotkin(ex- Khanate, O.L.D.)を起用。巨匠の手を経て現代仕様のソリッドな音像にアップデートする事に成功した。スリーヴケースに保護されたジャケットにはKubota本人による撮りおろしの風景写真がふんだんに収録された8Pフルカラーブックレットを同梱、Kazuma Kubota独特の世界観を視覚面からも表象している。
"Essential documents of the cut-up noise resurgence. Kubota’s knife-sharp compositions contain more action and more ideas than many artists’ entire careers." – William Hutson (member of clipping.)
Kazuma Kubota The flag-bearer of the Post Harsh Noise, His famous works up to now that lay the foundation of his present, have been turned into CDs and two titles will be released at the same time!
This work is an original EP exclusively released by the U.S. label Pitchphase in 2010. Field recording that reminds you of ordinary life, emotional drone/ambient and the cut-up noise that cuts in creates a contrast that goes beyond simple noise music. It is a masterpiece that creates a drama like no other. A track that was initially supposed to be included has also been added, and this is the long-awaited complete version.
For these reissues, we selected James Plotkin (ex- Khanate, O.L.D.) to be the remastering engineer. With the skill of the master, the music's update into a modern style solid audio/sound image was successful. The jacket protected by a sleeve case also contains a 12-page full-color booklet that contains many photographs of sceneries that Kubota himself has taken. Kazuma Kubota's unique worldview has been expressed from visual aspects as well.
He is the advocate of a new noise format that has been gaining popularity internationally, with many followers already in various regions. The hidden masterpiece of such an artist that people should focus on !
¥1,000 税込